Scientific team

Foteini Asderaki is the Academic Coordinator of MOTIVATE. She is a Professor of European Integration Theory and European Education Policy and a Jean Monnet Chair on EU Education, Training, Research and Innovation Policies in the Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus. She is also the Chair of the European Doctoral School for the Common Security and Defense Policy of the ESDC in Brussels.

Agelos Kotios
Agelos Kotios is a Professor of International and European Economic and Development Relations and the Rector of the University of Piraeus 2017-2022. He received a Diploma in Economics from the University of Thessaloniki,, and his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Tübingen (Germany). From 1987 to 1990 he worked at the University of Tübingen as a research fellow. From 1991 to 1993 he was a special advisor at the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His research interests are in the economic crisis, international trade policy, international monetary policy, European integration and development policy. He is the author of many books and papers on the international and European economy. He participates in several European programmes. He is the Chair of the Department of Tourism Studies of the University of Piraeus.

Spyros Roukanas
Spyridon A. Roukanas is Vice Rector of Academic and Administrative Affairs and Student Affairs of the University of Piraeus and Associate Professor of International Political Economy at the Department of International and European Studies of the University of Piraeus.

Panagiotis Grigoriou
Panagiotis Grigoriou is a Professor of International and European Institutions and a Jean Monnet Chair at the Department of Sociology, University of the Aegean, Greece. He holds a Bachelor of the Law School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; he followed post-graduate studies in European Studies at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Européennes, Strasbourg and International Law (Law Scool Strasbourg University III). He received his PhD in Public Law at the Robert Schuman University, Strasbourg. He is member of the Administration Board of the European Community Studies Association (Hellenic Branch) and member of the Hellenic Society for International Law and International Relations.

Petros Liacouras
Petros Liacouras is a policy-oriented academic, expert and advisor of international law. He teaches International Law, Law of the Sea, International Institutions, Negotiation – Mediation, International Energy Law and Greek Foreign Policy, at the Department of International and European Studies of Piraeus University . He is also director of the Post-Graduate Program on “International and European Studies”.

Evangelia Karagiannopoulou
Evangelia Karagiannopoulou is a Professor of Educational Psychology in the Department of Psychology, University of Ioannina. She is Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Head of the Research Institute for Humanities and Social Studies in the University of Ioannina. She is currently working on emotions and learning in Higher education along with early experiences and students mental health and well-veing.

Tharrenos Bratitsis
Tharrenos Bratitsis is a Professor of Informatics, at the Dpt of Early Childhood Education of UOWM (ECE-UOWM), works on CSCL, digital storytelling, technology & art-based learning approaches (including robotics, MOOC design and mobile learning), game-based learning and innovative teaching approaches.

Kafenia Botsoglou
Kafenia Botsoglou, is Professor in “Contemporary Pedagogical Approaches in teaching and learning” at the University of Thessaly, Special Education Department. She is also the Director of the Research Institute on Teaching and Professional Development of University of Thessaly. She is the Academic Director in distance learning programs, concerning innovative learning and teaching approaches for teachers.

Thomas Babalis
Dr Thomas K. Babalis is Professor of ‘Pedagogy and Lifelong Learning’ at the Department of Pedagogy and Primary Education, at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. He has served as Chairman of the Department and today he is the Dean of the School of Education and a full member of the University Senate of the NKUA. His research interests concentrate on adult education and lifelong learning, educational design, innovation and creativity, school management, etc.

Konstantina (Nadia) Tsoli
Konstantina (Nadia) Tsoli is Associate Professor on School Pedagogy and Teaching Practice at the Department of Pedagogy and Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She is Deputy President as National partner/coordinator of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs at the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, as well as Deputy President for the Scientific Supervisory Board of Marasleion Experimental Primary School of the University of Athens.

Dr Eleftheria Beasidou
Dr. Eleftheria Beasidou, is an Associate Professor in “Social Pedagogy ” at the Univ. of Thessaly, Special Education Department. Her professional career includes many years of work in Early Childhood Education as a teacher, school counsellor and Mentor in a Pedagogical Programme for Roma students. Her main research interests include: Social pedagogical research and practice, Intercultural Education, Peer relationships (acceptance and marginalization), Rights of Children and Families – Synergies between School, Family and Community and Technologies in Education.

Fotios Milienos
Fotios S. Milienos is currently Assistant Professor in Applied Social Statistics and Quantitative Research Methods (tenure track) at the Department of Sociology of Panteion University, Greece. He has also participated as member of the research group in various research programs during the last years. Since July 2018 he is member of the Editorial Board (Associate Editor) of three journals, while he has also served as reviewer for more than 30 different international journals.

Yannis Roussakis
Yannis Roussakis is an Associate Professor of Education Policy and Teacher Education at the Pedagogical Department of Secondary Education at the NKUA, and member of the Governing Board of the Greek Authority for Quality Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education. Currently he is involved in efforts to develop training modules for teachers aiming at innovative approaches to teaching European Union and European values to refugee children.

Dr Vassiliki Pliogou
Dr. Vassiliki Pliogou is an Assistant Professor at ECE-UOWM on the subject of Pedagogy and Applications in Education. Her research focuses on intercultural education, human rights etc. Since 2011, she is the president of OMEP (World Organization for Early Childhood Education) in Central Macedonia.

Dr Christina Kontogoulidou
Dr. Christina Kontogoulidou is an Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Piraeus at IT and Health Management and Health Economics since 2008. Since 2021, she has been an advisor to the Regional Governor of Western Macedonia on issues on European, Research programs and International Relations.

Dr Sophia Mastrokoukou
Dr Sophia Mastrokoukou is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Turin, Department of Psychology and Associate Lecturer at the University of Piraeus, Department of Business Administration. She has participated in the writing team for the development of the First Practical Guide to International Signs in collaboration with the Institute for Deaf People in Turin.

Stylianos – Ioannis Tzagkarakis
Stylianos – Ioannis Tzagarakis is a Political Scientist, Lecturer at the Department of Political Science of the University of Crete. He is Field Manager of the Centre for Political Research and Documentation of the University of Crete, Secretary General of the Hellenic Association of Political Scientists and President of the Steering Committee of the Standing Group on Political Culture of the European Consortium for Political Research.

Antonia Samara
Antonia Samara holds a PhD in Comparative Education and Lifelong Learning and works as Laboratory Teaching Staff at the Department of Educational Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). She is a member of the Executive Committee of the Greek Comparative and International Education Society and member of the Editorial Board of the bilingual academic journal “Comparative and International Education Review’’.

Dr Sofia Goria
Dr Sofia Goria is a Laboratory Teaching Staff (L.T.P.) at the Department of Special Education of the University of Thessaly and has expertise in the field of “Preschool pedagogy: Theory and methodology of educational activities”. She is a graduate of the Department of Early Childhood Education of the University of Ioannina. She holds a PhD from the Department of Early Childhood Education of the University of Thessaly.