“Motivating Teachers 4 Europe” (MOTIVATE) is an innovative project under the Jean Monnet actions run under the Erasmus+ program to support teaching, learning, research and debates on various aspects of the European Union. MOTIVATE is coordinated by the Research Centre of the University of Piraeus (UPRC) and was designed and is implemented by the Jean Monnet Chair for European Union Policies on Education, Training, Research and Innovation and the Laboratory for Education Policy, Research, Development and Interuniversity Cooperation, Department of International and European Studies of the University of Piraeus.

The interdisciplinary team of the project consists of professors and researchers from eight Greek universities offering initial or continuing teacher training or researching and teaching issues related to the European Union.

The aim of MOTIVATE is to organize targeted training activities that will enable active and future teachers to increase their knowledge of the EU and how it works, develop new skills and integrate EU issues into curricula and school activities. Enhancing the European perspective both in schools and in local communities enables young people and adults to acquire the skills and competences necessary for active citizenship and participation in European democracy and to have an active role and strong voice in Europe’s future.

MOTIVATE offers training on EU subjects specifically designed for teachers of different levels and types of education, with different backgrounds and experience, in Greek, English and Greek Sign Language, promoting integration and the European dimension at all educational levels, including special education. It is based on a flexible microlearning programme and eighteen workshops on how the EU is approached at school and how the EU is understood by the wider society.

 Motivated teachers fuel Europe’s future