ΜOTIVATE Microlearning Study Guide

The Study Guide aims at providing trainees with the information required for effectively organizing the attendance of the online asynchronous MOTIVATE Microlearning Program and the required study, for their positive evaluation and ultimately for the successful completion of the program and the desired accreditation.

In particular, initially information is made available about the goal, aims and learning model of the microlearning program, the beneficiaries, the content, the language of teaching and the duration of the program, as well as about the attendance mode (activities, workload, ECTS), and the trainees ’ evaluation and accreditation. Then, the course syllabus is presented analytically per teaching module; in specific, attendees are provided with the goal and the aims of each module, and the subject areas, the objectives and the expected learning outcomes of each module unit. Trainees are also supplied with general practical tips for reinforcing their skills of efficient, autonomous program attendance and, what is more, lifelong learning.